Founded in 2004 and inspired by the life of Frederick Douglass, Frederick Douglass Academy VII High School (FDA VII) is a four-year college and career preparatory public school located in Brooklyn. The school was built on Dr. Lorraine Monroe's vision of academic and personal excellence for all students, specifically students of color. FDA VII emphasizes the achievements of African American and Latinx people to educate and inspire our students. A set of core values is visible at every Frederick Douglass Academy and signals the seriousness of purpose for the school, its students and teachers. All students must adhere to a code of student conduct, and uniform code. Our SCHOLARS are expected to do their best to ACHIEVE.
Today, FDA VII alumni can be found in various professions and careers, including law, nursing, teaching, law enforcement, banking, accounting, modeling, the military, etc. Our alumni continue to add to the legacy of the Frederick Douglass Academy model.